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The Versatility of Stainless Steel Torsion Springs
2022 11 29

When it comes to mechanical components and springs, stainless steel torsion springs stand out as an engineering marvel. These small but mighty components play a vital role in a wide range of applications. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve deep into the world of stainless steel torsion springs, exploring their characteristics, applications, benefits, and everything you need to know to harness their power effectively.   What Are Stainless Steel Torsion Springs? Stainless steel torsion springs are a type of helical spring designed to exert torque when twisted or rotated. These springs store mechanical energy when twisted and release it when the torque is reduced. They are widely recognized for their resilience, durability, and resistance to corrosion. Here's a closer look at what makes stainless steel torsion springs unique:   Material Matters: Stainless Steel Stainless steel is the primary material used in the production of these springs. It is renowned for its corrosion resistance and durability. This makes stainless steel torsion springs ideal for applications where exposure to moisture, chemicals, or extreme temperatures is a concern. Whether it's in outdoor machinery, marine equipment, or food processing, these springs excel in challenging environments.   Helical Design: A Twist of Efficiency The helical design of torsion springs allows them to store energy through rotation. When torque is applied, the spring stores potential energy, which is then released when the torque is reduced or removed. This unique design provides a consistent, reliable force that's essential in various mechanical systems.   Advantages of Stainless Steel Torsion Springs The use of stainless steel torsion springs offers numerous advantages in various applications:   1. Corrosion Resistance Stainless steel's inherent resistance to corrosion makes these springs suitable for outdoor and marine applications. They maintain their functionality even in highly corrosive environments.   2. High Durability The durability of stainless steel torsion springs ensures a longer lifespan for the components they are used in. This leads to reduced mai

2022 03 01

“小弹簧大世界”,位于容桂华口工业区的广东信兆朗精密科技股份有限公司(以下简称“信兆朗”),前台这六个大字分外醒目。信兆朗成立十年产值增长200倍,从一家小工厂成长为专注弹簧生产的高新技术企业。3月1日,记者采访了公司负责人蔡朗明。   创业十年产值增加200倍 10年前,蔡朗明从云浮来到顺德,成为一个电容器销售。偶然得知一家容桂企业需要触摸弹簧,蔡朗明牵线做成了这笔生意。这次经历也让蔡朗明发现了弹簧生产的商机。2012年,信兆朗的前身诞生在容桂细滘。学计算机出身的蔡朗明对网络天生比较敏感,通过摸索开始大范围在网上做广告。网络推广给公司带来了意想不到的效果,珠三角、长三角地区的订单如雪片般飞来。“第一年就做成了30多万元的生意。”谈起十年前的创业历程,蔡朗明直言自己也是偶然进入弹簧生产领域,企业的发展与经营有关,更离不开这十年来家电、汽配等行业的快速进步。“不到三年产值超过千万元,今年预计超过六千万元。” 同许多初创企业一样,开始的几年蔡朗明既是老板又是销售还兼财务。“到2018年感到这种粗放的管理模式已经不能适应形势了。企业要引进高质量人才,治理结构也要变化。”蔡朗明下决心对企业进行股改,引入合伙人制度,推动企业经营这几年迈上了一个新台阶。“产值是一方面,更重要的是把企业的平台搭建好,把价值做大。”   着力开发生产高附加值弹簧 信兆朗生产车间内,CNC电脑数控弹簧机、自动化铆压编带设备,自动铆片设备,以及膜厚测试仪等检测设备满负荷运转,将一条条钢丝制造成各个规格的弹簧。蔡朗明告诉记者,公司现在正在大力开发生产高附加值弹簧。2019年引进的自动化一体成型触摸弹簧生产设备大幅提升了企业竞争力。信兆朗还重点推出了为客户提供量身定制的全AI高速插件弹簧。 “我们要把锚定弹簧这个细分领域做深做透。”蔡朗明表示,作为一家高新技术企业,信兆朗坚持走“专精特新”之路。2019年已经实现全自动化SMT载带工艺,通过创新搭建知识产权护城河,为客户提供更多品类优质的弹簧产品。据了解,现在信兆朗已有14项专利,其中包含4项发明专利,正在申报佛山市专精特新企业。“现在公司生产的AI高速插件,从立项到开发成功达8个月,这在五金加工领域是比较长的,其间遇到了很多困难,但我们一直没有放弃,要持续不断改善生产工艺,最终为客户提供价格更低廉,品质更好的产品。” 蔡朗明透露,现在国内外客户超过5000家,直接或间接合作的客户包括美的、格力等家电巨头和伊莱克斯、博世等跨国企业。今年企业还要投资近800万元增加生产设备,同时着力开发以上市企业为主的优质客户。“前几年在国外市场的耕耘初见效果。”蔡朗明告诉记者,信兆朗在俄罗斯、波兰、斯洛文利亚、芬兰、西班牙等欧洲国家的订单也渐渐多起来,未来企业要加速走出去。