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Treatment of compressione spring problems
2021 09 11

After the spring is formed, it generally needs to be subjected to low temperature stress removal annealing or blue treatment at 220 ~ 330 ℃, or according to the requirements of the operating conditions of the spring and the nature of the selected material, it needs to be hardened and tempered to improve the spring force. However, clamps should be used during the heat treatment of the spring to prevent the ring from shrinking and jamming with the shaft when working. Others, such as removing the corners of the two outer ends, radial burrs, etc., cannot be ignored. In the event of a spring with a tendency to bend, a coil of strips can be used to rub the tensioned spring along the longitudinal direction of the axis repeatedly until the surface is locally hardened. Spring is not in place, failure mode and reason: In actual work, we often encounter that the spring cannot push the moving object to the set position, which means that the calculated free length of the spring becomes shorter. The main reason is that there is no initial compression treatment, that is, a manufactured spring is compressed to its compression height or tight height (if necessary) with a relatively large force, and it cannot be restored to its original shape after being released. The free length of the operation. The amount of shortening is called "initial compression". Generally, after 3-6 times of compression, the length is no longer shortened, that is, the spring is "positioned". The spring undergoes permanent deformation after initial compression Precaution: In actual work, the compression spring should be able to maintain its working length even if it is subjected to a force beyond the elastic limit of the material. Therefore, the length of the finished spring should be equal to the calculated length of the spring plus the initial compression, which can prevent the spring from being out of place, so as to avoid dangerous stress when the coil is tightened, which may cause the spring indicator line to be abnormal and not in place. In the heat treatment process of the finished spring, especially the hardening and tempering process, the workpiece must be placed horizontally (horizontally) i

2021 01 23

2020年7月25日早晨8点,信兆朗公司优秀同仁及亲朋好友共计100多人在蔡总的带领下,坐上了驶向下川岛的客车,开始了为期两天难忘的下川岛之旅。 2020年是一个特殊的一年,上半年疫情,个个都过得胆战心惊,公司全体员工团结一致,相互帮助,在蔡总的带领下安全渡过了这个危险期。即将迎来更具有挑战性时刻,为了鼓励各位同仁再接再厉,以更好地状态打好这场战役,同时丰富员工业余生活,增强部门之间的沟通协作,让信兆朗这个大家庭更加和谐,从而更好提升企业凝聚力,我司组织了这场活动。 整个行程共计2天,整个团队始终被一种和谐、温馨的氛围所笼罩。 有“中国布吉岛”之称的下川岛,岛上椰树成荫,风光迷人,有优良的天然海滩、温婉秀丽的海湾、引人入胜的古迹。  第一天,乘坐豪华快艇在万顷碧波上荡漾,海天一色,白浪滔天,飞驰在南中国的畅快感觉再一次燃起你的旅游激情、勾画出川岛的憧憬!下午,穿梭于岛内,所有人都陶醉于蓝天、白云、雪白的浪花、细腻银白的沙滩、充满南国情调的椰梦长廊、千姿百态的海礁石景。    第二天,听着海浪的声音,全身放松,睡到自然醒。游览观音山公园,攀越 99 级台阶横卧其顶的有两块天然 奇石:其一巨石为登高石,宽大的石壁上有大师关山月先生的题词,在此放眼远眺可欣赏到下川岛最负盛名的"七星伴 月"景观,另一巨石为音响石,敲击不同部位,会产生不同的音响效果,为何如此神奇,至今仍是不解之迷。 下午乘坐客车回到公司,下川岛之旅结束,仔细回味这段旅行的同时,又要开始筹备新一轮的工作。相信每个人都会以更充沛的精力,更高涨的热情投入到工作当中。为信兆朗贡献自己的力量,共同建设这个大家庭,因为, 我们都是一家人!