全天 9.00 - 18.00

2021 01 23

按受力性质,弹簧可分为拉伸弹簧、压缩弹簧、扭转弹簧和弯曲弹簧,按形状可分为碟形弹簧、环形弹簧、板弹簧、螺旋弹簧、截锥涡卷弹簧以及扭杆弹簧等,按制作过程可以分为冷卷弹簧和热卷弹簧。普通圆柱弹簧由于制造简单,且可根据受载情况制成各种型式,结构简单,故应用最广。弹簧的制造材料一般来说应具有高的弹性极限、疲劳极限、冲击韧性及良好的热处理性能等,常用的有碳素弹簧钢、合金弹簧钢、不锈弹簧钢以及铜合金、镍合金和橡胶等。弹簧的制造方法有冷卷法和热卷法。弹簧丝直径小于8毫米的一般用冷卷法,大于8毫米的用热卷法。有些弹簧在制成后还要进行强压或喷丸处理,可提高弹簧的承载能力。 弹簧可以分为以下6类: 1、扭转弹簧,是承受扭转变形的弹簧,它的工作部分也是密绕成螺旋形。扭转弹簧端部结构是加工成各种形状的扭臂,而不是勾环。扭力弹簧利用杠杆原理,通过对材质柔软、韧度较大的弹性材料扭曲或旋转,使之具有极大的机械能。 2、拉伸弹簧是承受轴向拉力的螺旋弹簧。在不承受负荷时,拉伸弹簧的圈与圈之间一般都是并紧的没有间隙。 3、压缩弹簧是承受轴向压力的螺旋弹簧,它所用的材料截面多为圆形,也有用矩形和多股钢萦卷制的,弹簧一般为等节距的,压缩弹簧的形状有:圆柱形、圆锥形、中凸形和中凹形和少量的非圆形等,压缩弹簧的圈与圈之间会有一定的间隙,当受到外载荷的时候弹簧收缩变形,储存变形能。 4、渐进型弹簧,这种弹簧采用了粗细、疏密不一致的设计,好处是在受压不大时可以通过弹性系数较低的部分吸收路面的起伏,保证乘坐舒适感,当压力增大到一定程度后较粗部分的弹簧起到支撑车身的作用,而这种弹簧的缺点是操控感受不直接,精确度较差。 5、线性弹簧,线性弹簧从上至下的粗细、疏密不变,弹性系数为固定值。这种设计的弹簧可以使车辆获得更加稳定和线性的动态反应,有利于驾驶者更好的控制车辆,多用于性能取向的改装车与竞技性车辆,坏处当然是舒适性受到影响。 6、短弹簧短弹簧相比原厂弹簧要短一些,而且更加的粗壮,安装短弹簧,能够有效降低车身重心,减少过弯时产生的侧倾,使过弯更加稳定、顺畅,提升车辆弯道操控性。而原厂减震器的阻尼设定偏向舒适,所以短弹簧和原厂减震器在配合上不是很稳定,它不能够有效的抑制短弹簧的回弹和压缩,行驶在颠簸路面时,会有一种不适的跳跃感,长此以往,减震器的寿命会大大减短,而且还有可能出现漏油的情况。当然以上这些状况都是相对而言,日常行驶的话不会有这么严重的损坏,而且尽量不要激烈驾驶,毕竟原厂减震器承受不了高负荷的压力。  扭力弹簧  扭力弹簧(扭簧)利用杠杆的原理,通过对材质柔 扭簧 扭簧 软、韧度较大的弹性材料的扭曲或旋转,使之具有极大的机械能。是承受扭转变形的弹簧,它的工作部分也是各圈或是紧密围绕或是分开围绕。扭转弹簧的端部结构是加工成各种形状的扭臂,由单扭至双扭,乃至各种扭杆之变形,得依设计成型。扭转弹簧常用于机械中的平衡机构,在汽车、机床、电器等工业生产中广泛应用。 压缩弹簧  压缩弹簧(压簧)是承受轴向压力的螺旋弹簧,弹簧一 压缩弹簧 压缩弹簧 般分为等节距弹簧和变节距弹簧,压缩弹簧的形状有:圆柱形、圆锥形、中凸形和中凹形以及少量的非圆形等,压缩弹簧的圈与圈之间有一定的间隙,当受到外载荷时弹簧收缩变形,储存变形能。变节距的弹簧越来越普遍,不在是只是等节距弹簧,变节距弹簧能够在不同的环境下发挥出不同的作用。  碳纳米弹簧  碳纳米管弹簧直径可以达上百微米,而长度可以达几厘米,其纺丝结构具有广阔的应用前景,有望应用于可伸缩导体、柔性电极、微型应变传感器、超级电容器、集成电路、太阳能电池、场发射源、能量耗散纤维等领域,为制备出肉眼可见的碳纳米管电子器件提供了可能,还有望应用于医疗器械,比如拉力传感绷带等。这种新型结构还可以发展成具有多功能的碳纳米管纤维复合材料加以利用。  拉伸弹簧  拉伸弹簧(拉簧)是承受轴向拉力的螺旋弹簧,拉伸弹簧一般都用圆截面材料制造。在不承受负荷时,拉伸弹簧的圈 与圈之间一般都是并紧的没有间隙。利用拉伸后的回弹力(拉力)工作,用以控制机件的运动、贮蓄能量、测量力的大小等,广泛用于机器、仪表中。其钩的形式有侧钩拉簧,长钩拉簧,英式钩拉簧,德式钩拉簧,半圆钩拉簧,鸭嘴钩拉簧等等,其材料有不锈钢、琴钢、高碳钢、磷铜、铍铜、油回火合金弹簧钢等。  空气弹簧  空气弹簧是在柔性密闭容器中加入压力空气,利用空气的可压缩性实 弹簧 弹簧 现弹性作用的一种非金属弹簧,可大致分为囊式和膜式两种,空气弹簧具有优良的弹性特性,用在高档车辆的悬架装置中可以大大改善车辆的平顺性,从而大大提高了车辆运行的舒适性,所以空气弹簧在汽车、铁路机车上得到了广泛的应用。此外,由于空气弹簧和普通钢制弹簧比较有许多优点,所以也应用于一些机械设备、精密仪器。

How to improve the service life of tension springs?
2021 04 11

In daily life, tension springs are widely used, so how to improve the service life of tension springs? 1. Austempering of tension spring. For springs with a relatively small diameter or satisfactory hardenability, austempering can be selected, which can not only reduce decentering, but also improve its resistance. After austempering, it is best to perform another tempering, which can increase the limit of elasticity. It should be noted that the tempering temperature should be the same as the austempering temperature. 2. Deformation heat treatment. Thermomechanical heat treatment is mainly to combine the deformation strengthening of steel with heat treatment strengthening, so as to further improve the strength and resistance of steel. Thermomechanical heat treatment can be divided into high temperature, medium temperature and low temperature. High temperature thermomechanical heat treatment is formed in a stable condition, and then it should be quenched immediately, or it can be combined with casting or hot rolling, that is, quenching immediately after hot forming. 3. The tension spring should be slack after quenching and tempering. The spring works under the action of external force for a long time, because the stress is slack, it will produce a small amount of permanent (plastic) deformation, especially the high-temperature working spring, the stress slack phenomenon is more serious at high temperature, so that the accuracy of the spring is reduced. It is not allowed for precision springs. Therefore, the tension spring should be slackened after quenching and tempering. Heat treatment process: Load the tension spring in advance, so that its deformation exceeds the deformation that may occur during operation of the spring. Then heat it at 20°C higher than the operating temperature for 8-24 hours. 4. Shot peening. Tension springs have higher requirements for surface quality. Surface defects such as scratches, folding, oxidative decarburization, etc. tend to become stress collection places and fatigue cracking sources during spring operation. Shot peening is one of the most widely used methods to improve the surface quality of springs. If fine steel sho

Understand the types of tension spring materials.
2021 04 22

Tension spring refers to a spring that can work in weakly corrosive media such as electronics, air, steam, and water, and chemically corrosive media such as acids, alkalis, and salts. In many working environment requirements such as chemical machinery and electronics, it is an elastic element that is corrosion-resistant, resistant to medium temperature and non-magnetic. The tension spring can produce relatively large elastic deformation when it is loaded, converting mechanical function or kinetic energy into elastic potential energy. When unloaded, the deformation of the tension spring will disappear and return to its original state, transforming the deformation energy into mechanical function or kinetic energy. Tension spring has excellent general functions, such as: mechanical function (especially elastic limit, strength limit, yield ratio), elastic reduction function (that is, elastic reduction function, also known as anti-loosening function), fatigue function, hardenability , Physical and chemical functions (heat resistance, low resistance, oxidation resistance, corrosion resistance, etc.). In order to meet the above functional requirements, the tension spring has excellent metallurgical quality (high purity and uniformity), excellent appearance quality (strict control of appearance defects and decarburization), precise shape and size. Generally, cylindrical springs are simple to manufacture, so they can be made into various types according to the load conditions, with simple structure and the most widely used. Generally speaking, tension springs should have high elastic limit, fatigue limit, impact toughness and excellent heat resistance and corrosion resistance. Commonly used spring wire with a diameter of less than 20 mm is cold-rolled. After the tension spring is made, it must be pressed or polished to improve the load-bearing capacity and surface finish of the spring.